Primary and Specialty Care Strategies

Two business professionals review documents at a desk - Stroudwater

Drive Peak Financial Performance through Primary & Specialty Care Strategies

Delivering cost-effective, high-quality healthcare, while maintaining a positive margin, continues to increase the pressure on rural-based healthcare providers across the country. Coupled with uncertainty around payments, insurance and delivery-system reform, many rural providers struggle to develop and implement long-term strategies that deliver maximum financial performance.

Since a hospital and practice designation type can substantively impact reimbursements received, the alignment and designation of practices is of increasing importance.

To combat this, our team partners with rural & community hospitals and health systems to develop effective primary and specialty care strategies that address the evolving market.

Our Team Assists Rural & Community Hospital Leadership Teams in Answering the Following Questions

What alternative practice designations should we leverage for additional reimbursements and revenue streams?​
If eligible, have we pursued the 340B program?​
Have we evaluated the integration of specialty and primary care into a single rural health clinic?​
Should we consider aligning practices through the system to leverage potential reimbursement advantages? ​

Methodology & Approach

Our team will prepare an overview of the key eligibility requirements, including benefits of participation, for the provider-based rural health clinic program and articulate how each of these requirements impact the practice locations in question.

Next, we will prepare a financial assessment on the inclusion of the listed practices as departments of each of the hospitals with provider-based rural health clinic designation.

Finally, Stroudwater will recommend the most advantageous designation for the listed practices and provide the steps necessary to convert the identified clinics to RHCs.

The Clinical Designation Team



Revenue Cycle Management



Revenue Cycle Management

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