CAH Swing Bed Research and Volume Growth Strategies

Thursday, August 22, 2019 | 3pm Eastern


Can’t make it? Please register and we’ll send you materials after the event.

Learn about key findings from the national CAH Swing Bed Outcomes Measures Project conducted by the University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center in partnership with Stroudwater Associates. The initiative identifies and field tests measures to assess the quality of care provided to CAH Swing Bed patients. More than 250 CAHs in 21 states currently participate in the study.

The webinar will also outline how your CAH can grow Swing Bed volumes using Active Solicitation, a strategy developed by Stroudwater for CAHs to establish mutually beneficial relationships and referral patterns with larger hospitals. This proactive approach has helped CAHs realize consistent increases in Swing Bed ADC and overall improvement in financial performance. Swing Beds are an essential component of a rural community’s healthcare delivery system, yet are increasingly vulnerable given increased competition from SNFs.


  • Ira Moscovice, PhD, Mayo Professor, Division of Health Policy and Management, University of Minnesota
  • Jonathan Pantenburg, Stroudwater Associates