Top Considerations in Creating Your Value-based Reimbursement Strategy Using the Newest CMS Programs

Presented by: Cindy Wicks, Principal

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December, 2018: CMS released new Pathways to Success final rules, which revamped the Medicare Shared Savings Program options and accelerated ACOs movement to downside risk.

January, 2019: CMS released new options available to Medicare Advantage plans under the Value-based Insurance Design Model.

April, 2019: CMS announced the Primary Care First and the Direct Contracting options, exciting new value-based reimbursement models.

Are you lost trying to decipher which programs are best suited to your organization and market?

Do you need guidance about how these program relate to each other?

We can help you understand your options.

Please join us for a free overview of the newest programs, with a specific focus on why you need to pay attention to all of the programs as you set your strategy and navigate the transition from fee-for-service to value-based reimbursement models.

